Power Prject

Power Project

The first phase of the project was three-and-a-half-year food security and women’s rights project provided practical solutions to reduce the amount of unpaid care work women smallholder farmers often perform, seeking to improve their productivity, household food, and nutrition security and amplifying their voices to direct policy changes that will recognize, redistribute and reduce their unpaid care work. Read more


Girls Advocacy Alliance

This project is a 5-year project running from July 2016 to December 2020 and fully financed by the Dutch Govt and Plan Netherlands to plan Ghana. In partnership with Plan International Ghana, Songtaba is implanting the project with two other non- Governmental organizations; SILDEP in the upper west region, CRESCENT in the Eastern Region, and Songtaba in the Northern region. Read more

Complementary Basic Education a Sogntaba project

Complementary Basic Education Project

We were able to provide these 800 children with a standard nine-month functional literacy education and enroll them in the formal school system the next academic year. We’ve also trained community facilitators to train and handle these classes, providing employment opportunities and community empowerment. Read more

Employment and Income Level Elevation Through Livelihood Diversification

Food Security and Livelihood Programme

We believe that everyone has the right to constant access to adequate food. We work to achieve this goal through three main program areas: smallholder farmer group development, farmer education and training, and climate change resilient agriculture  Read more


Gender Equality and Food Rights

The gender gap in access to education, resources, and rights is just as prevalent in agriculture as in other areas of our work. We have actively worked to drastically increase the participation of women in agriculture over the ears and statistics demonstrate that a significant percentage of the nation’s food is produced by women. Read more

Livelihood Diversification project Songtaba org ghana

Livelihood Diversification

The majority of the smallholder farmers in the Northern Region are engaged in crop production, which limits their income source opportunities. We have been working with these farmers to train them in other livelihood opportunities including rice processing, livestock management and soap making. Read more

Songtaba supporting alleged witches in Northern region Ghana

Safety & Dignity Of Women Accused of Witchcraft

Songtaba is working with district assemblies, traditional authorities, religious leaders and community, and district stakeholders to secure the safety and dignity of women who suffer dehumanizing cultural conditions including witchcraft accusation based on allegation and suspicion. Read more

Empowering Communities Against Climate Change

Empowering Communities Against Climate Change Impact for Improved Food Security

The three Northern Regions in Ghana are the poorest regions with high poverty levels and remain dependent on food crop farming which is vulnerable to climate variability.. Read more